UnderstandingsU1 - In animal studies, the therapeutic index is the lethal dose of a drug for 50% of the population
(LD50) divided by the minimum effective dose for 50% of the population (ED50). U2 - In humans, the therapeutic index is the toxic dose of a drug for 50% of the population (TD50) divided by the minimum effective dose for 50% of the population (ED50). U3 - For ethical and economic reasons, animal and human tests of drugs (for LD50/ED50 and TD50/ED50 respectively) should be kept to a minimum. U5 - The therapeutic window is the range of dosages between the minimum amount of the drug that produce the desired effect and a medically unacceptable adverse effect. U6 - Dosage, tolerance, addiction, and side-effects are considerations of drug administration. U7 - Bioavailability is the fraction of the administered dosage that reaches the target part of the human body. U8 - The main steps in the development of synthetic drugs include identifying the need and structure, synthesis, yield, and extraction. U9 - Drug–receptor interactions are based on the structure of the drug and the site of activity. |
Applications and skillsAS1 - Discussion of experimental foundations for therapeutic index and therapeutic window through both animal and human studies.
AS2 - Discussion of drug administration methods. AS3 - Comparison of how functional groups, polarity, and medicinal administration can affect bioavailability. |
Introduction to Pharmaceuticals and drug action: Ephedrine video from DavidsonX
Introduction to key vocabulary
Metabolism = the chemical processes that occur within a living organism in order to maintain life.
Invaders = attacking microorganisms
Lines of defences = body's ways of response and defense against attacking microorganisms
Drug= a chemical that affects how the body works. This includes changes for the better and for the worse. The term is sometimes associated with substances which are illegal in many countries, such as cocaine, ecstasy, and heroin, but it has a broader meaning.
Medicine = a substance that improves health. Medicines, which may be natural or synthetic, therefore contain bene cial drugs. Synthetic medicines also contain other ingredients, which are non-active but help in the presentation and administration of the drug. The bene cial effect of a medicine is known as its therapeutic effect.
Info taken and adapted from: Brown, C., Ford, M., 2014. Higher level Chemistry. Pearsons Education limited. ISBN 978 1 447 95975 5
Invaders = attacking microorganisms
Lines of defences = body's ways of response and defense against attacking microorganisms
Drug= a chemical that affects how the body works. This includes changes for the better and for the worse. The term is sometimes associated with substances which are illegal in many countries, such as cocaine, ecstasy, and heroin, but it has a broader meaning.
Medicine = a substance that improves health. Medicines, which may be natural or synthetic, therefore contain bene cial drugs. Synthetic medicines also contain other ingredients, which are non-active but help in the presentation and administration of the drug. The bene cial effect of a medicine is known as its therapeutic effect.
Info taken and adapted from: Brown, C., Ford, M., 2014. Higher level Chemistry. Pearsons Education limited. ISBN 978 1 447 95975 5